Why Do Writers Hate AI?

Is it a misunderstanding?

Chris Weber
3 min readJan 3, 2023
Photo by Kim Gorga on Unsplash

As I write this, I have a poll running on Twitter. I asked my followers if using artificial intelligence to finish a novel was cheating. Currently, they think it is.

Most of them are writers. I respect their opinions. I consider them my peers.

Why I do not hate AI

I do not know how to use artificial intelligence well enough to form an opinion. I have studied a theory called Diffusion of Innovation. It is one of the oldest social science theories. I think I am what Everett M. Rogers would call an early adopter.

We fear the unknown

Artificial intelligence has been around for a while. I recently wrote an article that explains how I understand the idea of AI using what I know about science fiction and communication. You can read that here.

I am still enjoying this debate

I like to think about huge ideas and then type them out as I think. This is what I do. I occasionally ramble…



Chris Weber

Measuring the gravity in collisions of technology and news. I'm diving into the intricate world of media to untangle Earth's most captivating stories.